Things that are beautiful are things we like to look at and think about.
Things we like to look at and think about are beautiful.

There is obvious beauty in so many things. People, plants, animals, landscapes and so many more. So many and so different it feels hard to say what exactly makes something beautiful.

Often the aspect of beauty is shared between individuals, but ultimately it is a subjective matter.
Someone may find a specific breed of dog beautiful while another one may call the same breed hideous.

Beauty is also a scale with many, maybe infinitely small increments.
One may enjoy the view of a specific city center, like it’s a district of heaven, while the next one sees the same view as a decently nice experience for the eyes.

It can be defined across all of our senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. And one can find beauty based on what is sometimes referred to as our sixth sense, the mind.
A simple thought can be beautiful and so can ideas, actions, words, and all processes that happen or even don’t happen in this strange world.

We can get broader and broader on the definition and scope of beauty.
Maybe what we consider beautiful in everyday life just boils down to preference.
What we like we consider beautiful, what we don’t we call ugly.

And if beauty is just preference, then beauty has so many dimensions.
Who can really say they really like something in all of its aspects? Often we might not even know if a thing is beautiful or not, the same way we don’t know if we like a thing or not.

But if beauty is preference, then it can change over time, like it changes over time what we like and what not. Often preference changes when we make new experiences with the thing that is to be judged.
One may say of themselves they hated a specific taste for all their life, taste this taste again after a few years and find it is not to be hated, maybe even to be liked.

After a change of preference has happened, we often look back to the old way we liked something without understanding, maybe even with disgust.
We feel like our new preference is the right, the better one. We are glad to have grown, happy to have learned.

We are running through life, from one thing we like to the next one. Avoiding the things we don’t like the same way we avoid looking at the unpleasant.

Shouldn’t we, if we take all this into consideration, realize that there is good in the ugly, growth for those who embrace it?

Go out there and look for the ugly, watch it and observe it!
Like you always looked for the beauty, watched it and observed it.

You might find out that there was beauty in it all the time.